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Innovation in digital titling — nationwide

As the leading innovator in Vehicle-to-Government (V2Gov) technology,
Vitu is transforming the way vehicles, businesses, government, and drivers interact with one another.

Vitu partners with state government agencies and businesses across the
US, with cutting-edge process management SaaS solutions – including Digital Title and Registration — that cross state borders and transcend state-by-state variables.

The Vitu Platform handles every milestone of a vehicle’s lifecycle

Modernizing government processes with fully digitized solutions can take timelines from months to minutes. Our V2Gov solutions reduce costs and increase compliance and convenience, to the benefit of every dealership, driver, and DMV in America.

With our intuitive, efficient solutions, intricate interactions disappear behind the screen.

What’s left is a seamless, streamlined, 50-state solution that redefines how people interact with government (and vice versa).

Vitu at a glance



People employed nationwide

Business Clients


Businesses assisted

Market Growth


Market growth over the last four years

AICPA SOC Audit logo

Vitu has successfully completed the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Service Organization Controls (SOC) 1 Type II audit, demonstrating its effective protection of confidential client data.

Vitu is an approved NMVTIS Data Provider.

Copyright © 2025 Vitu, Inc.

Vitu, Vitu Accelerated Title, Accelerated Title and Total Title are trademarks of Vitu, Inc.

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