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Digital Titling API

Vitu National API Dev portal

Digital Titling from anywhere across the nation

Vitu Digital Titling allows you to title a vehicle in your businesses name — quickly

Digital Titling reduces liability and speeds up the vehicle acquisition process — dramatically

The power of titling vehicles from across all 50 states
Developer Portal

What if there were a single repository for digital vehicle titles? Especially those that need to be put in your dealership’s or organization’s name when taken into inventory?

With Digital Titling, a single API call places that vehicle title in your name securely, reducing liability and risk. Using Vitu’s Digital Titling API allows your company to title acquired vehicles in your name, in any state, quickly and efficiently.

Digital Titling API details on the Vitu Developer site

Yes, it's true. Titling from anywhere in the nation — digitally

Digital Titling from anywhere in the United States

Ready to get started?

Developer Portal

National rationale

Vitu’s Digital Titling API offers your business the ability to title a vehicle in your company’s name — digitally — from any state in the nation.

And the process is relatively simple: submit the titling request along with scanned copies of the required documents, and within a short period of time, the vehicle is titled in your company’s name. It’s practically that easy.

What to expect

It all begins with the vehicle you acquired, whom you bought it from and where the vehicle is located. You already have that information and most likely have the current title in your possession as well.

  • Submit your request with the vehicle and buyer information
  • Upload scanned paperwork
  • After a relatively brief approval period, the vehicle is in your company's name
AICPA SOC Audit logo

Vitu has successfully completed the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Service Organization Controls (SOC) 1 Type II audit, demonstrating its effective protection of confidential client data.

Vitu is an approved NMVTIS Data Provider.

Copyright © 2025 Vitu, Inc.

Vitu, Vitu Accelerated Title, Accelerated Title and Total Title are trademarks of Vitu, Inc.

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