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Document classification API

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Supercomputer document analysis and verification

Document AI determines what documents you have and the data included on them

It's thinking — the more Document AI processes, the better it gets

Why don't you just tell me the name of the form?
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Have you ever wanted to just ask the computer to take a form — any form — and just identify it? And while we're at it, what about pulling all relevant information from it?

Document AI is here.

With a simple API request, pass on a PDF of scanned forms. These scanned forms can consist of anything — government forms, invoices, work orders and even identification cards. Document AI takes a look at each one and identifies what the type of form it is and pulls out relevant information present on the scan. Imagine the time savings with repetitive data entry or data verification.

How Document AI works

Get started by submitting a PDF of disparate forms.

For this example, we’ll take a simple title and registration deal from California. Document AI takes a look at each scanned form and analyzes them. Reporting back, you might get something like the following, for example...

California REG 397 form for Document AI
REG 397
Application for Registration of New Vehicle
California REG 4008 form for Document AI
REG 4008
Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/Combined Gross Vehicle Weight (CGW)
Weighmaster Certificate form for Document AI
Weighmaster Certificate
Not issued by the state

For this example, we’ll take a simple title and registration deal from California. Document AI takes a look at each scanned form and analyzes them. Reporting back, you might get something like the following, for example:

  • Page 1: This is a California DMV REG 397, an Application for Registration of New Vehicle. This is a state-issued government form.
  • Page 2: This is a California DMV REG 4008, a Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/Combined Gross Vehicle Weight (CGW). This is a state-issued government form.
  • Page 3: This is a Weighmaster Certificate. This form varies from company to company and is not issued by the state. Think of it as a kind of receipt.

Document AI analyzes the documents and returns the following: page one is a REG 397, page two is a REG 4008 and page three is a weighmaster certificate. Machine learning and artificial intelligence identify the forms.

Then, Document AI extracts the data from your scanned document images and returns exactly what is entered.

Ready to get started?

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No more identity crisis

Think of it. You digitally submit a stack of scanned documents. Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, now you can ascertain what those documents actually are and what data is included on them.

As Document AI is fed more and more documents and forms, it learns, adds it to a repository of similar forms and accelerates processing for subsequent requests.

Data magic

Now that you know what those documents actually are, why not extract the data included on them. Once you have that information, take it and apply it to your own applications including managing transactions, verifying data across multiple documents or just having an editable representation of the data itself.

You'll agree, the possibilities are endless.

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Vitu has successfully completed the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Service Organization Controls (SOC) 1 Type II audit, demonstrating its effective protection of confidential client data.

Vitu is an approved NMVTIS Data Provider.

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